This web site supports Torah learning via online interactive distance Learning.
may be streaming now!
Our new multi-sensory display system
Interactive Presentation System
The Presentation System HELP file
Flash Tutorial
See a tutorial how a presentation was made here
Live Presetation Flash Tutorial
See a tutorial how our new real-time live presentation was made here
Here are links to a few sample whiteboard presentations ready to view.
These presentations utilize our JavaScript whiteboard display utility,
but were generated using the same GUI as shown in the
flash presentation above and saved in the
cookiejar format to allow for easy editing.
Gemara Bava Metzia daf 29 - 30
includes a description of a matter left unresolved, but where a
possible tie-in is seen from the next section of Gemara.
Chumash passukim in Bereishis
and the Akeida may share a common rare grammatical form.
By the Nachash and Chava has a possible hint of this interesting grammar,
to show a dirty trick of a straw man argument after an interruption.
The Succos Machzor has some
instructions for Chol HaMoed which just don't make sense. If there
is a way to concisely summarize which Hoshana prayers are to be said
on which day, we should finish what they started.
Look at the Pictures within
the Gemara at least on one page. Really just a sample of what the
presentation system can be used for.
Order of Mishna Words
in the Mishna, order of words seems to have a lot of significance.
For something a little more powerful...
Bava Kama Display
- Scroll to the bottom for a sequence of mouse-over translations of
highlighted phrases using our
new style display mode JavaScript presentation.
Special thank you to
for allowing our users access to their Gemara images that is part of
their great work.